Well the day had finally come and it was time for us to leave our beloved Jeju. Even after being there for only 4 days I had already felt a connection to the place and the people. It's funny really, because when I first got to Seoul and began the semester getting to know Sinchon, it certainly took more than 4 days, even a bit more than 4 weeks to really feel a connection to my new surroundings. Yet Jeju was different and we loved every part of being there. In fact, that became one of our favorite sayings of the week along with "Charge it". The Jeju tourist organization has signs and billboards all around the island that say
We love having you here! and so every time Andrew and I saw one these signs we looked at each other and said, "We love being here!"
We got up and had breakfast and packed up all of our stuff. We said goodbye to Sylvia and Peter, which like saying goodbye to Ilene, was really sad. Sylvia took out her camera and asked to get a picture of Andrew and me because she said she likes to take a photograph of all of her guests. Of course, we asked if we could get a picture with her as well. We then left and headed for the airport shuttle stop which was right around the corner from the inn.
Sylvia and me before leaving Tae Gong Gak. Behind us are countless messages, pictures, and letters that guests have left Sylvia and Peter. |
The flight was short and smooth and perhaps the most funny and exciting part was the passenger sitting next me. To my right was a Korean man, probably in his 50s. I'm not sure if it was actually his first time on a plane, or if he was just trying to be funny, but as the plane was taking off he put is hands up in the air and shouted "Whhaaaahooo" as we ascended. He then looked at me and just started giggling, I couldn't help but laugh as well. It was quite funny and certainly a memorable moment.
A shot from the flight back to Seoul from Jeju. The distance was so short that we could see the ground or the ocean for almost the entirety of flight. |
We got back to campus around 2pm and I had class at 3. We were certainly not on vacation anymore! While in Jeju Andrew and I talked a lot about if we would actually return to Jeju at some point down the road. I'd like to think that I would come back at some point; it would be really special to someday show my kids all the things I experienced while I was here.
Hello! I'm really planning to go to Jeju this October and I want to stay at Tae Gong Gak. Do you have their website so I can make reservations? I'll be coming from Shanghai, God willing. Thanks!:)